How to Develop your Singing Voice

Learn To Sing

Learn To Sing

The vocal quality of a person during singing can be considered to be the “singing voice”. Basically singing is the act of producing sounds following proper musical notes; hence, how the voice doing so is the singing voice and the person is called a vocalist or a singer. To be a good singer one needs to undertake proper vocal training from a vocal coach, because success never comes without proper practice.

  1. Work the Whole Body: during singing, some vital organs of your body have to work simultaneously to support your singing voice and make it as rich and beautiful as possible. The lungs supply the air; the larynx is the vibrator; the head and chest are the amplifying section, and the tongue works for proper pronunciation with the help of your lips, teeth and palate. The pitch (sound frequency) of the singing voice is regulated by the vocal cords. Different human individuals have morphologically different vocal cords, thus making their singing voices unique from each other. So, to sing all of these need to work together in harmony, and all need to be in good shape. This means exercising regularly to build up your chest and diaphragm muscles and doing breathing exercises so your chest builds up. You want to be able to capture the maximum air inside your lungs so you can hold a note for as long as possible.
  2. Work the Voice: think of your voice as being like a muscle. To build it up, extend its range, and improve it, you have to exercise it regularly. So, practice holding your singing voice in a note as long as possible; this will help you to build a good tonal quality. You can also help to extend your vocal range by practicing high and low notes in different scales.
  3. Click Here For An Essential Guide To Singing Like A Professional

  4. Maintain the Body: apart from all these factors are some others that you might not think of, but are also necessary for a proper singing voice. You need to learn to maintain proper posture while singing as it is essential for good breathing while you sing. So, learn to keep your knees bent, keeping your hips rotated forward, flatten out your abdomen, and keep your head in a straight position with the spine in proper alignment.
  5. Find Your Range: different people have different sorts of singing voice – men can be bass, tenor and baritone; women are sopranos and altos. You need to find which type of singing voice you have and stick to that range. If you try to sing beyond your range, you run the risk of injuring your singing voice.
  6. Train, don’t Strain: singing well does not mean singing loud. Many first time singers make the mistake of blasting out their voice. So, as you sing, try to keep your breath steady. The key to a good singing voice is to breathe from the stomach, from the diaphragm and essentially push your singing voice up and out of your lungs. This will keep the flow of air through your vocal cords steady, and thus help you to sustain the notes you’re trying to sing. If you breathe too fast, your initial notes will be loud and fast and then the later ones will drop off. This isn’t what you want.

Nowadays, singing has become a very popular career option. A successful singer can earn millions with his/her singing voice as evident from the lifestyles of singers of various genres like rock, classical, opera, metal etc. Shows like “American Idol” point out the potential for anyone to achieve this, but you need to train your singing voice before embarking on this career goal.

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